Book Jackets: All (by year)
Displaying 181216 of 616 book jackets
Francine Prose, 1986
Pantheon Books
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394549767
The heroine works as a writer for a tabloid that sticks to unprovable stories, legends and lies. Fred’s jacket for this first edition combines the title’s two unlikely words without belaboring either one, reflecting the main character’s confusing career, and life. -
Leo Braudy, 1986
Oxford University Press
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780195040036
This book spans thousands of years and explores the ever-evolving cultural changes that define the notion of fame. Fred’s first edition jacket reveals Fame as a goddess, her gift a generous bestowal on the chosen few, as the world looks on. -
Paul Theroux, 1986
Washington Square Press
First Edition Thus, Paperback
ISBN: 9780671602895
This paperback reissue of "Doctor Slaughter," (1984), retitled "Half Moon Street," was released in the lead-up to the release of the film adaptation starring Sigourney Weaver and Michael Caine. It presents two short novels on the theme of a double life. Although they differ in scene and character, both are full of a kind of eerie menace. Fred found an interesting way to visualize the premise. -
J. R. Ackerley, 1986
Poseidon Press
Reissue, Paperback
ISBN: 9780671634711
The distinguished British author hardly thought of himself as a dog lover when, well into middle age, he came into possession of a German Shepherd. To his surprise, she turned out to be the love of his life. Fred’s jacket features a complimentary quote by E. M. Forster. -
David Leavitt, 1986
Alfred A. Knopf
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394538730
David Leavitt’s second major work (his collection of short stories, “Family Dancing,” also featured a jacket by Fred) tells the story of two different men from two generations coming to terms with their homosexuality. For this first edition cover, Fred asked a friend to pose. -
Judith Barnard, 1986
Washington Square Press
Reissue, Paperback
ISBN: 9780671618322
In the middle of the night, a middle-aged professor of political science discovers that his wife has evaporated into thin air. One reviewer commented, “ the time the novel ends, the reader may be wondering why she waited so long to depart.” -
Clive Barker, 1986
Poseidon Press
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671626877
AGGHHH! Well, Stephen King said, “I have seen the future of horror, and its name is Clive Barker.” For the classic’s first edition jacket, Fred chose an interpretation of its title story, in which a prisoner watches as his cellmate is transformed into a monster. -
Francis King, 1986
Washington Square Press
First Edition, Paperback
ISBN: 9780671557386
Communication beyond the grave is the theme of this chilling work, in which three artfully delineated women try to get in touch with loved ones who’ve just died. For this paperback reprint, Fred delivered a stark table top, clearly suggestive of a very recent departure. -
Nobuko Albery, 1986
Simon & Schuster
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671605209
Fred’s first edition jacket presents a novelized historical romance about the founder of the Noh theater of Japan, Zeami, who at the age of 12 became the beloved of the Ashikaga Shogun Yoshimitsu, ruler of all 14th-century Japan. -
Blanche D’Alpuget, 1986
Simon & Schuster
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671498085
“It is no news that the Middle East as a whole, and Israel in particular, are afflicted by perpetual tension and hostilities. What is less known, trickier to write about, are the internal debates that have gone on for at least 3,750 years,” according to the NY Times in its review of this novel. -
Laura Furman, 1986
Summit Books
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671497545
A wispy face hovers in the sky for this book’s first edition jacket. The novel presents Sadie Ash, a woman who marries the man she loves, only to be deserted by him, then installed with their two daughters in his family’s Tuxedo Park mansion. -
Walter Walker, 1986
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780060156466
Although on one level this is a taut murder mystery, it is more an exploration of morality and circumstance told from five points of view. Fred’s first edition jacket echoes the image he created for Walker’s earlier “A Dime to Dance By,” which also used stark photography. -
Margaret Atwood, 1986
Houghton Mifflin
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780395404256
This was ranked the #1 book jacket design of the last 25 years in Entertainment Weekly's “25 New Classic Covers.” Nan Talese, the book’s editor, reports that, upon seeing the sketch for the first time, Margaret Atwood gasped, “He read the book!” -
Sylvia Ashton Warner, 1986
Simon & Schuster
Reissue, Paperback
ISBN: 9780671617684
The author lived in New Zealand, and spent many years teaching Maori children. She found that British teaching methods were not effective, so she devised an approach widely regarded as strikingly relevant to the education of socially disadvantaged children today. -
Toby Olson, 1986
Random House
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394547152
This is the bizarre adventure of a man, in love with a gentle prostitute, who meets sadistic porn filmmakers exploiting a pair of rare miniature horses and saves the injured mare. Fred’s first edition jacket tangentially reflects the story’s strange twists. -
Anne Tyler, 1985
Alfred A. Knopf
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394546896
Not easy to be a guy who writes travel guidebooks, but would prefer to stay home reading. How do you depict the thought? Fred always strove to “...reflect the book’s feeling. If a book is good, images just come forth. I think there’s a real correlation between the quality of a book and the quality of the cover I produce.” The book was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Fiction in 1985 and the Ambassador Book Award for Fiction in 1986. It was also adapted into a 1988 award-winning film starring William Hurt, Kathleen Turner, and Geena Davis, for which Davis won an Academy Award. -
Colin Thubron, 1985
Atlantic Monthly Press
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780871130235
It's clear how much Fred admired Magritte in this evocative illustration for the book's first edition jacket. Set in a lunatic asylum and in a boys' public school in Wales, this riddle of a tale is told by a hypersensitive, unreliable narrator. Even the asylum might be imaginary. -
Mark Singer, 1985
Alfred A. Knopf
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394532363
As the jacket copy declares, this book is about the 1982 Penn Square Bank debacle. Fred’s bubbly dollar sign gurgles out of all those oil wells, in much the same way that real money erupted out of the Oklahoma boom-time landscape. -
Fraser Harrison, 1985
Pantheon Books
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394546940
Looking at family life from a man’s vantage point, this chronicle follows the ups and downs of fatherhood in a small English country home. The writer clearly relishes his role as observer of four-year-old Tilly and three-year old Jack. -
Janwillem Van de Wetering, 1985
G. P. Putnam's Sons
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780345332578
To summarize this Zen-tinged series of eleven short stories set in Kyoto, Fred borrowed imagery from Japanese prints. The sleuth-hero has a predilection for the non-traditional, things like motorcycles and undercover entrapment. Presumably, he also smokes. -
James Wilcox, 1985
Harper & Row
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780060154417
“North Gladiola” is the street address of this novel’s small, homey diner in Tula Springs, Louisiana. A mélange of unlikely characters congregates there, including members of a local string quartet. Fred’s art for this first edition evokes the paintings of Edward Hopper. -
Robert Campbell, 1985
New Science Library
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780877732655
Fishing in the wilderness provides the setting for discussions on science, the rhythms of the universe and the subsequent rhythms of organizations. Heady stuff. Fred managed to offer us an image that seamlessly, and cleverly, ties the title to the notion of insight. -
A. E. Maxwell, 1985
Doubleday Books
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780385192590
Presumably, the goldfish believes that he lives in Paradise, and so does the detective hero in this novel by a pseudonymically-bonded married couple. For the book's first edition jacket, Fred caught the eye with his starkly contrasting warm and cool palette. -
Milan Kundera, 1985
Harper & Row
First Edition, Paperback
ISBN: 9780060912529
You may recognize this cover, but there was a previous edition. One of the few times Fred agreed to the publisher’s desire for re-worked art. And one of the only times he conceded his second solution was better than his first. -
Jan Morris, 1985
Random House
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394532622
Another book by author Jan Morris, which was shortlisted for the 1985 Booker Prize for Fiction. When it seemed appropriate, Fred loved paying homage to his favorite artists, as here. For this first edition jacket, he presents a variation on one of de Chirico’s 1913 piazza scenes. The mood conveyed exactly suits Morris’s strange travelogue. -
Mary-Ann Tirone Smith, 1985
Doubleday Books
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780385196734
This coming-of-age novel introduces a self-confident young woman who might remind some readers of a female Holden Caulfield. When she learns she’s pregnant at nineteen, she travels to Paris to “bear fruit,” just as Fred’s oblique image might suggest. -
Barry Hannah, 1985
Alfred A. Knopf
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394544588
“Barry Hannah persists in making rude noises,” wrote the reviewer for Time Magazine, continuing “…Captain Maximus is full of spite, rage, booze and unregenerate boorishness.” For the first edition, Fred managed to make his all-type cover appropriately intrusive. -
Kevin Starr, 1985
Oxford University Press
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780195034899
Subtitled “California Through the Progressive Era,” this historical reconstruction traces the state’s unique evolution during the early years of the 20th century, with a focus on the Hollywood phenomenon. Fred’s image captures the essence of the time and place. -
Theodore Roszak, 1985
Doubleday Books
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780385188944
The heroine of this novel has a special gift: she can observe the dreams of others. For the first edition of this haunting psychological thriller, Fred painted a sleeper as seen from above, with virtuosic treatment of the bedsheets’ folds. -
Milan Kundera, 1985
Harper Perennial
First Edition, Paperback
ISBN: 9780060912222
Fred’s storybook silhouette perfectly captures the spirit of Kundera’s only play, written in 1971, an homage to Denis Diderot and his late 18th-century novel, “Jacques the Fatalist.” Philosophical paradoxes abound in this highly acclaimed on-the-road tale. -
Alice Hoffman, 1985
G. P. Putnam's Sons
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780399130564
Fred’s first edition jacket gently echoes the words of the New York Times reviewer: “The novel is mainly concerned with tremendous events, with childbirth and the loss of children... with enduring love and devastating infatuation.” -
Annie Greene, 1985
Simon & Schuster
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671498153
This is a melodramatic novel about three women from a small river town whose lives revolve around a local ne’er-do-well. Fred’s evocative painting captures the mood, inviting us to speculate about the doings behind that one lighted window. -
Tabitha King, 1985
Macmillan Publishers
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780025631403
You can probably guess that this is a horror story. For one thing, the author is the wife of Stephen King. For another, the title sounds pretty ominous. But Fred’s isolated rural cabin with footprints in the snow clearly states that this book is not for the faint of heart. -
Ray Bradbury, 1985
Alfred A. Knopf
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394547022
The undisputed Dean of American Storytelling veered from science fiction into mystery for this tale of mayhem set in Venice, California in the 1950s. Fred’s first edition jacket hints at bizarre events, including puzzling, and sometimes fatal, “accidents.” -
Dave Lowry, 1985
Shambhala Publications
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394730271
The author juxtaposes his singular experience as a student of kenjutsu (the art of swordsmanship) under a Japanese teacher in St. Louis, with an account of the samurai tradition in Japan. Fred’s image captured the flavor for the jacket of this trade paperback reissue. -
Solomon Volkov, 1985
Simon & Schuster
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671622558
On his influences, Fred said, “...But just as important for me is music, both orchestral and operatic. That’s a rather abstract influence, I guess, but it’s very much a part of my work.” He would certainly have the said the same of Balanchine’s ballets.