
Fred Marcellino Exhibition at the NCCIL in Abilene, TX

Dancing By The Light of The Moon: The Art of Fred Marcellino
Exhibition Dates: June 9 – October 30, 2011

From the National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature:

In summer of 2011, the National Center for Children’s Illustrated (NCCIL) featured the works of acclaimed designer and illustrator Fred Marcellino in its exhibition Dancing By The Light of The Moon: The Art of Fred Marcellino

Read the full article from the NCCIL

Fred Marcellino Exhibition at the Los Angeles Public Library

Dancing By The Light of The Moon: The Art of Fred Marcellino
Exhibition Dates: April 7 – July 29, 2007

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Design Observer: “The Unbearable Lightness of Fred Marcellino”

From Design Observer, December 29, 2005:

…but every once in a while, in what for me was then an act of madcap daring, I’d make an impulse purchase, and buy a hardcover book based on almost nothing more than the design of its dustjacket. When the gamble paid off, these were books I’d come to really treasure: usually novels, their authors unknown to me, the settings unfamiliar and exciting. I’ve saved them all, and I took an armful down from my shelf the other day. Loving Little Egypt by Thomas McMahon, The Lost Language of Cranes by David Leavitt, The New Confessions by William Boyd, The Twenty-Seventh City by Jonathan Franzen.

Wildly different books, with one thing in common. Fred Marcellino was the designer of all their covers…

Read the full article from Design Observer