Book Jackets: All (by year)
Displaying 361396 of 616 book jackets
Gillian Bradshaw, 1982
Simon & Schuster
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671435127
This is the final book in a trilogy of fantasy novels written by the author. It tells the story of King Arthur's downfall, as recounted by his wife Gwynhwyfar (an unfamiliar spelling of her name to most of us). Fred’s graphic cover illustration captures the dramatic magnitude of the mythic event. -
Mary Clarke, 1982
Alfred A. Knopf
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394513072
Once again, publishers, authors, and editors turned to Fred for jackets concerning books about ballet, knowing that he was an avid fan. Here is a photo of Merrill Ashley in a perfect arabesque. -
Henry Bean, 1982
Poseidon Press
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671442514
The hero decides to fall in love with a woman he has never met. He knows of her existence only by having overheard mention of her in his roommate’s phone conversation. The themes presented in this novel mesh perfectly with some of Fred's favorite pictorial devices: shadows, windows, and skies. -
Donald Oliver, 1982
Avon Books
First Edition, Paperback
ISBN: 9780380791941
Is there such a thing as acrobatic typography? In this case, the book’s title boldly takes center stage to announce that the contents within are sure to provoke laughter, presenting comedic sketches by the twentieth century’s most celebrated wits. -
Bill Pronzini, 1982
Coward McCann & Geoghegan
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780698111806
Critics agree that this book is a humor classic, a compilation of the worst examples of over-the-top and just plain bad mystery writing over the years. Fred had a good time illustrating this appropriately cliché heroine clearly beset by bad guys of one sort or another. -
Tony Cohan, 1981
Doubleday Books
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780385170864
“The Canary” is a famous singer who dies mysteriously in this novel about the pop music industry. The record album jacket was a very familiar canvas for Fred, who designed a great many of them throughout the 1960s and ‘70s. -
H.H. Dooley, 1981
Doubleday Books
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780385157421
Here’s a political fantasy for our times. A disgraced former president is plotting a comeback, while a terminally ill genius is plotting to assassinate him, confiding his plans only to his psychiatrist. Doctor-patient confidentiality? -
Laurel Goldman, 1981
Alfred A. Knopf
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394519357
Publishers frequently asked Fred to create jackets for works of “serious fiction,” like this novel by a new author. In this book, a patient is trying to find his way, “sounding the territory,” from within a mental institution. Once again, Fred found just the right visual metaphor. -
Thomas Berger, 1981
Delacorte Press/Seymour Lawrence
First Edition, Paperback
ISBN: 9780440074083
Fred created the covers for a number of books by Thomas Berger. This first edition presents the fourth in his classic “Reinhart” series, as middle-aged Carlo continues his bewildering encounters with women, while struggling to become a world-class master chef. -
William Wharton, 1981
Alfred A. Knopf
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394510972
This is the second book by William Wharton (his first, Birdy, was also designed by Fred), about a painter's dying father.