Book Jackets: All (by author)
Displaying 433468 of 616 book jackets
Padilla, Heberto , 1984
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780374169824
On occasion, Fred opted to “let the type do the talking”. He loved typography, and never allowed any art director to get involved, except to say “I love it.” This book is an autobiographical account of the fate of intellectuals and artists during the Cuban revolution, which, in his view, didn’t seem to require any illustrative enhancements. -
Parker, Marsha , 1982
E.P. Dutton
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780525241096
Gay Mortenson returns with her husband to his native Oxfordshire, where she finds married life less than she imagined and answers the seductive call of a beautiful man in armor who calls her by name. Unfortunately, he’s a ghost. -
Paterson, Katherine , 1978
Thomas Y. Crowell Co.
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780690038378
This children's novel won the National Book Award. The main character is a mean, brash eleven-year-old girl who is bounced around from foster home to foster home. It would be entirely within her character to obscure her entire face behind a bubble when expected to have her picture taken. -
Peary, Danny , 1981
Delacorte Press/Seymour Lawrence
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780440016267
The book is a series of essays about the cult film phenomenon. From his star-studded background panel to his Hollywood letter forms, it’s obvious that Fred greatly enjoyed the iconic imagery that allowed his type to “talk.” -
Penner, Jonathan , 1990
Poseidon Press
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671664237
The main character of this novel is a beekeeper with multiple familial, marital and professional problems. For this first edition book jacket, Fred’s tinted engraving reflects the doings within a hive, an apt metaphor of the title, as well as the complexities of plot. -
Percy, Walker , 1987
Farrar, Straus & Giroux
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780374273545
Walker Percy's last novel before his death tells the story of a former psychiatrist who suspects that something is making everyone in the town crazy. Could there be something in the water supply? Fred’s tower scowls ominously over the landscape on this first edition jacket. -
Pesetsky, Bette , 1991
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780060183028
This novel is about a poet who, facing a fatal illness, decides to catalogue her life by packing away her journal entries in a series of boxes. For this first edition’s cover, Fred took an unusual step, for him. He set up these props in his office and painted them from life. -
Platt, Kin , 1981
J. B. Lippincott & Co.
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780397319459
A fifteen-year-old boy lacks confidence about his ability to be the fastest runner on his high school’s track team, until he happens upon a science fiction movie that changes everything. This cover illustration tells the whole story. -
Pronzini, Bill , 1982
Coward McCann & Geoghegan
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780698111806
Critics agree that this book is a humor classic, a compilation of the worst examples of over-the-top and just plain bad mystery writing over the years. Fred had a good time illustrating this appropriately cliché heroine clearly beset by bad guys of one sort or another. -
Prose, Francine , 1986
Pantheon Books
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780394549767
The heroine works as a writer for a tabloid that sticks to unprovable stories, legends and lies. Fred’s jacket for this first edition combines the title’s two unlikely words without belaboring either one, reflecting the main character’s confusing career, and life. -
Pym, Barbara , 1981
Harper Perennial
First Edition, Paperback
ISBN: 9780060805494
Fred was always enthusiastic about creating jackets for anything written by Barbara Pym. In this case, it turned out to be her final novel. Once again, the heroine is a middle-aged Englishwoman. She travels to a small village intending to write a treatise on recent social changes. But her anthropological objectivity is compromised when she meets Tom, the vicar. -
Pym, Barbara , 1981
Harper Perennial
First Edition, Paperback
ISBN: 9780060805500
Once again, Fred had the opportunity to create a book jacket for a work by one of his favorite authors. This novel was first published in 1958, and was noteable at the time for its reference to homosexuality, rarely dealt with in the period’s literature. For this later edition, Fred returned to use of a classic silhouette, reflecting the demure heroine looking into a small mirror (nope, too early for an iPhone). -
Pym, Barbara , 1980
Harper Perennial
First Edition, Paperback
ISBN: 9780060805128
Fred was a big fan of Barbara Pym, and loved designing jackets for her novels. They usually dealt with British women of a certain age, lonely, intimidated, and irretrievably polite at all costs. Her work is often described as updated Jane Austen, as his illustration suggests. -
Pynchon, Thomas , 1984
Little, Brown and Company
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780316724425
The “big book look,” so prevalent in book jacket design, dictated that a famous author’s name be presented in huge type. Fred found a way to conform, without sacrificing elegance. And found an interesting way to visualize an author’s earliest struggles. -
Raban, Jonathan , 1987
Simon & Schuster
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671454807
This travelogue describes the author’s 1982 single-handed voyage around Britain in an old restored ketch. He sailed with a chart, a hand-bearing compass, and by the look of the coastline. His account offers many digressions about life in England at that time… -
Randall, Bob , 1981
Simon & Schuster
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671426309
A woman keeps receiving phone calls from an evil force. She can’t convince anyone that these calls are real. Fred’s mastery of airbrush helps to create the eeriness here. Then came the computer. -
Ransmayr, Christoph , 1990
Grove Press
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780802111678
The hero may or may not be Ovid. The action takes place in ancient and modern times. There’s politics, literature, ecological disaster.... well, it couldn’t have been easy to synthesize. But, Fred certainly managed to make the jacket a beauty. -
Rhys, Jean , 1982
Harper Perennial
First Edition, Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 9780060805791
Jean Rhys is said to have been one of Jackie Kennedy’s favorite authors, with her tales of formerly beautiful but cash-strapped heroines from the 1920s and '30s. Fred created jackets for a series of paperback re-issues, all featuring lovely ladies. -
Rhys, Jean , 1981
Harper Perennial
First Edition, Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 9780060805807
Jean Rhys is said to have been one of Jackie Kennedy’s favorite authors, with her tales of formerly beautiful but cash-strapped heroines from the 1920s and '30s. Fred created jackets for a series of paperback re-issues, all featuring lovely ladies. -
Robin, Robert , 1985
Simon & Schuster
First Edition, Hardcover
ISBN: 9780671547691
Fred’s first edition jacket succinctly reflects the main character’s deep conflict, as he learns of the death of his former college roommate, and lover. Now fifteen years into a “perfect marriage,” he finds himself in crisis. That cropped coffee cup provides an unexpected focal point. -
Robinson, Marilynne , 1989
Bantam Books
Reissue, Paperback
ISBN: 9780553346633
The author went on to win a Pulitzer Prize, but this was her widely acclaimed first novel, printed in many editions. The novel treats the subject of housekeeping, not only in the domestic sense of cleaning, but in the larger sense of keeping a spiritual home for one's self and family